Monday, January 6, 2014

Climate Change

Climate Change

Our world is now changing faster. And we can feel that change.The change in climate which we are the one who is doing it. And now we are suffering for that.
Climate change has really that effect on us. Like when it is still early in the morning but the heat coming from the sun is really sensitive to our skin. And that wouldn’t   be happened if our ozone layer is still that thick enough to control the sunlight.The hotness of the surrounding.And it can also cause a forestfire.Because of our modern world today was the problem,why we are suffering from this climate change.The plastic we are using and burning it after being used.The chemicals  that was being used by the factories.And the one way to prevent this is to plant trees.

We don’t want to suffer from our own doing,do we? So let us help ourselves to change so that we can also change our world from being change and will make  better world.

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